For parents who want their families to have fun while growing closer to Jesus and to each other
Mid-Summer Update from COCUSA
We all know the cliché phrase, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Man, has that phrase been true so far this summer at Camp! Believe it or not, the Camp season is almost halfway over. Taking a second to reflect, there have been so many amazing moments that have occurred at Camp this summer. Here are a just a few of those moments that our staff has captured so far...
We all know the cliché phrase, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Man, has that phrase been true so far this summer at Camp! Believe it or not, the Camp season is almost halfway over. Taking a second to reflect, there have been so many amazing moments that have occurred at Camp this summer. Moments that were eagerly anticipated, moments that were surprising and sometimes perplexing, and moments that serve as daily reminders of how truly special COCUSA is. Here are a just a few of the many cool moments our staff has captured so far.
One camper positively responded to the Good News for the first time at the end of last summer. When her Site Directors gave her a Bible with highlights of each week’s memory verses, she exclaimed, “Wow! I can’t believe they’re all actually in here!” She begged her mother to let her return to Camp next year and has gotten extremely involved in everything COCUSA this summer. This camper pays special attention to the Bible stories and asks thoughtful questions about God each day. Even more so, she enthusiastically learns each week’s memory verses, not just so she can compete in memory verse challenges against her counselors, but because she actually wants to grow as a disciple of Jesus!
Another camper told his mother that he wanted a new pair of expensive shoes. His mom told him that he could get his new shoes, but they cost about the same amount as a week of Camp. If she bought those shoes, he'd have to miss a week at COCUSA. Without skipping a beat, the camper quickly responded, “Never mind, I’ll wear my old shoes.” Camp was that much more important to him!
At the end of one Camp day, a Counselor rushed over to her Site Directors to tell them how much she loved being able to share the Gospel message with her campers each Wednesday morning. During her first time sharing the Good News, three of her campers felt a personal calling to accept Jesus into their hearts. Her soul was overwhelmed with God’s amazing power, and she knew that Camp had provided the opportunity for His love to move through her. The Counselor said she couldn’t imagine anywhere else where she’d rather be this summer than at Camp of Champions USA.
So many more moments are in store for the second half of the summer, and we can’t wait! Here’s some ways you can continue to pray for the ministry of COCUSA.
Pray that God would continue to work in mighty ways at Camp. Pray that campers would respond to the Gospel, grow in their faith, and share it with others.
Pray that our staff would continue to provide safe and quality child care for each kid at Camp. Pray that we would stay focused, positive, and energized.
Pray that everyone at Camp would have a ton of fun as we enter the 2nd half of the camp season. Pray that our fun would lead to lasting friendships that point us all to Jesus.
If you also want to get involved with our ministry and partner with us financially, you can check out www.cocusa.org/bowl to donate to our scholarship funds and help even more kids come to Camp.
It's Not Too Late to Make Your Summer Count
It's not too late to register for summer camp! The deadline to register for the first week of Camp (May 31-June 3) is tomorrow, May 24. We hope you will join us for a summer of fun, safe, and quality child care that's centered on Jesus.
Camp of Champions USA exists to serve families by giving your child a fun, safe, and gospel-centered summer. We hope and pray that you will be able to join us for an incredible ride over the next three months, as we teach from the Bible, lead your kids in prayer and character development, all while singing silly songs, going swimming, playing crazy games, and having a blast! Whether you're looking for child care all summer long, or just want to give your kids a week to remember, we're here to serve you.
It's not too late to register for summer camp! The deadline to register for the first week of Camp (May 31-June 3) is tomorrow, May 24.
Summer camp starts on May 31, and many of your kids may already be done with school! If you are already registered with COCUSA, we can't wait to see you.
Click the big red button below to register- but hurry, space is limited!