For parents who want their families to have fun while growing closer to Jesus and to each other
Web Catch of the Week: Fall Favorites
Make some lasting memories with your family by trying out some of these fall favorite activities.
Fall is a season deeply rooted in traditions. It goes beyond putting on a costume and exploring different neighborhoods for the best candy stashes. At first I thought the obsession with apple orchards, pumpkin patches, and the #PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) was strictly for us in the Midwest. Turns out the trend has spread to areas like Houston, TX where my friend took her daughter to a pumpkin patch in 90 degree weather last week!
Now that the weather is beginning to reflect the season, why not pass on some of your favorite fall traditions to your family? You can build some lasting memories with your kids by taking just a few minutes to do something out of your ordinary routine. Here are a few ideas to help get you started.
At our Fall Frenzy program, we transformed some old baby food jars with a little bit of paint to make tiny pumpkins and apples. You can easily make these at home using any kind of jar. They're perfect to fill with candy or other goodies to give as a gift. Check out step-by-step instructions for this fall craft by visiting The 36th Avenue blog.
If you're still in search of some autumn activities and crafts for your family, Katie Femia put together a great list of fall activities perfect for kids and adults in her guest post on the blog Premeditated Leftovers. She also includes a few helpful links to recipes, crafts, and other family activities. Check out "30 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Fall."
What fall traditions does your family have? Are there any foods, places, or activities that you like to enjoy during the fall? Share your fall favorites in the comments, and help us all make lasting memories with our families.
Fall Frenzy 2015
Have you thought about what you'll do with your kids on Columbus Day? Send them to Fall Frenzy at COCUSA for a fun-filled day of Camp.
In many ways, the fact that we've all made it this far into the school year is quite remarkable. The amount of change that happens in a family between mid-August and the end of September can be staggering - new schools, new schedules, and new friends. Just as we think we've got the hang of this new routine, Columbus Day sneaks up on us. Columbus Day is one of those holidays that's easy to forget about, and it's also a day that's difficult to find someone to watch your kids while they're off of school. Don't worry! COCUSA has your back.
On Columbus Day, October 12, we will be holding our annual Fall Frenzy. We have a fun day planned that's packed with all of the activities and games that kids loved from summer camp. We're excited about connecting with all of you, and we hope that your kids will look forward to seeing their Camp friends and summer staff. We're even more excited to teach kids from the Bible and remind them of the importance of Jesus!
Fall Frenzy runs during normal Camp hours from 7:30am-5:30pm (our program runs 9am-4pm). We have three COCUSA locations to choose from: East Peoria Camp, Pekin Camp, and the Peoria Christian Center. We'll have a cookout at lunch time, but feel free to send a sack lunch with your kids if they're a picky eater.
register for Fall Frenzy online by clicking the button below.
If you're a pen-and-paper kind of person, you can download and print off the paper registration form here. Just make sure to fill out a separate form for each camper.
If you have a friend, coworker, or family member who needs childcare on Columbus Day, share this post with them by emailing the link or using the Share button below to spread the word on your social media networks. We can't wait to see you at Fall Frenzy!