For parents who want their families to have fun while growing closer to Jesus and to each other
Summer Camp 2016
Summer Camp 2016 - Registration Now Open!
We know you want your kids to have an incredible summer, but how can you decide between so many different choices for childcare? Unlike some of the other options out there, Camp of Champions USA offers more than a just fun experience. We're committed to helping your child grow in maturity and integrity. That's why everything we do at Camp is shaped by these three values: Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Safe & Quality Childcare, and Fun for Campers and Staff. See how you can give your child a summer they won't forget at Camp of Champions USA!
Summer will be here before you know it - warm days, a glass of lemonade, maybe even a dip in the pool! It also means your kids won't be in school for 3 whole months. We know you want your kids to have an incredible summer, but how can you decide between so many different choices for childcare? Unlike some of the other childcare options, Camp of Champions USA offers more than a just fun experience. We're committed to helping your child grow in maturity and integrity. We believe that teaching kids Biblical character traits will help them become leaders who positively impact the world. That's why everything we do at Camp is shaped by these three values:
Every year we hear kids and their parents say the same thing: Camp is awesome! Check out this story below to hear how COCUSA impacted the life of a young boy and his family.
"Each week of the summer, the Counselors at Camp prepare a skill group to share a personal hobby, passion, or skill with their campers. At Pekin Camp, two of our male counselors teamed up to put on a skill group about manliness. After spending having some fun discussing sports, how to properly tie a neck tie, and showing off with feats of strength, the counselors talked about Jesus' example of masculinity. They highlighted Jesus along with other men in the Bible to show how true manliness is found in humility and service to others. Jacob, a boy brand new to Camp this week, happened to join this skill group and had a blast. On Friday that week, Jacob's mom wanted to talk to the Site Directors about her son's behavior. She said that Jacob had totally changed from his one week at Camp. He cleared the dinner table, held doors for people, and cleaned his room all without being asked. She was so grateful for the life-changing influence those two counselors had on her son. Jacob was only signed up for one week of Camp, but his mom promised he would be back next year."
Our summer program runs June-August, Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm. We have 8 convenient locations in communities all across Central IL. Weekly prices start at just $120/camper (discounts and financial assistance available). Register now to take advantage of our early registration discount. Now through the month of February, receive half off your first week of summer camp!
We can't wait to see what God does at Camp of Champions USA this summer, and we hope that your kids can be a part of the story!
Web Catch of the Week: Fall Favorites
Make some lasting memories with your family by trying out some of these fall favorite activities.
Fall is a season deeply rooted in traditions. It goes beyond putting on a costume and exploring different neighborhoods for the best candy stashes. At first I thought the obsession with apple orchards, pumpkin patches, and the #PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) was strictly for us in the Midwest. Turns out the trend has spread to areas like Houston, TX where my friend took her daughter to a pumpkin patch in 90 degree weather last week!
Now that the weather is beginning to reflect the season, why not pass on some of your favorite fall traditions to your family? You can build some lasting memories with your kids by taking just a few minutes to do something out of your ordinary routine. Here are a few ideas to help get you started.
At our Fall Frenzy program, we transformed some old baby food jars with a little bit of paint to make tiny pumpkins and apples. You can easily make these at home using any kind of jar. They're perfect to fill with candy or other goodies to give as a gift. Check out step-by-step instructions for this fall craft by visiting The 36th Avenue blog.
If you're still in search of some autumn activities and crafts for your family, Katie Femia put together a great list of fall activities perfect for kids and adults in her guest post on the blog Premeditated Leftovers. She also includes a few helpful links to recipes, crafts, and other family activities. Check out "30 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Fall."
What fall traditions does your family have? Are there any foods, places, or activities that you like to enjoy during the fall? Share your fall favorites in the comments, and help us all make lasting memories with our families.