For parents who want their families to have fun while growing closer to Jesus and to each other
Kids, Politics, and What You Can Do About It
The conventions are over. The nominees are chosen. As we turn our attention to November, politics seem to permeate every social media channel, news station, and conversation. The hype can cause us to throw our identity behind our political party and who we're voting for. "Us" versus "Them" seems to be the name of the game. How do we teach our children to engage in the political process with their character still in tact?
The conventions are over. The nominees are chosen. As we turn our attention to November, politics seem to permeate every social media channel, news station, and conversation. The hype can cause us to throw our identity behind our political party and who we're voting for. "Us" versus "Them" seems to be the name of the game. It's so much easier to alienate those with different political affiliations than it is to engage in a civil, helpful conversation about our differences.
In their early years, most kids end up adopting whatever political opinions their parents support. I can't count the number of conversations I've heard at Camp about how one candidate is "the only good choice" and the other candidate is "a liar", "will cause World War 3", or "is crazy!" (I've heard these things about candidates from both sides of the aisle).
How do we teach our children to engage in the political process with their character still in tact?
As Christ followers, it's important to remember our ultimate authority. God is the sovereign King over the whole world. His word trumps everything else (*that's not a comment about any specific candidate!*). He has given us the Bible as the final rule to guide us through our lives, which includes the how we vote. As parents, instilling Christ-like character into our children is what will ultimately drive their political decision-making.
Below are a few Scripture passages to help guide our families through election season, and affect positive change in our country.
"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." Romans 13:1
- We should confidently teach our children who is in control. Regardless of who's elected, Jesus is still the King (ref. Matthew 28:18).
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity." 1 Timothy 2:1-2
- We should pray for our leaders. Encourage your children to pray for world leaders, presidents, congressmen, senators, local politicians, teachers, and pastors. How can we expect each one to adequately fulfill their duties if we as citizens don't support them through prayer? It is only through the Holy Spirit where prayer is answered and communities are united.
"Remind believers to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good. They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone." Titus 3:1-2
- Love each other. Be gentle towards one another. It's easy to love people who think and act like you. The true test of love and humility comes when we reach out to the people on the "other" side of the spectrum. We must always remember these words of Paul in his letter to Titus:
"We too, were once foolish and disobedient. We were misled and became slaves to lusts and pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy and we hated each other. But- when God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy" (Titus 3:3-5, paraphrased).
Jesus came to abolish "us vs. them." Let's stop accusing, judging, and condemning. Let's start loving, giving, and serving all in accordance with God's word.
4 Books Series to Read Aloud With Your Kids
Reading good books out loud can bring a family together. Good books can give you great conversation starters. They can help promote the values and character you want to instill in your kids. Books let you dive into epic stories and explore tough topics where a movie would be too intense for kids. And if the books are exceptionally good, they give kids the chance to stay up past their bedtime! Here are four series that we've read recently that I would recommend as great read-a-louds to any kids.
Reading good books out loud can bring a family together. Good books can give you great conversation starters. They can help promote the values and character you want to instill in your kids. Books let you dive into epic stories and explore tough topics where a movie would be too intense for kids. And if the books are exceptionally good, they give kids the chance to stay up past their bedtime!
We love reading at our house. Our bedtime routine culminates with reading books out loud as a family. Here are four series that we've read recently that I would recommend as great read-a-louds to any kids:
The Chronicles of Narnia
by CS Lewis
This is a longstanding classic story set and for good reason. Lewis has a knack for presenting his stories with wit and humor. He presents biblical themes and truth in a fun, engaging, and creative way.
The Little House Books
by Laura Ingalls Wilder
This is a non-fiction series where the author shares stories of her childhood. Some of the things she lived through and experienced are amazing. They help my family appreciate what America was like 150 years ago. Every time I read Little House on the Prairie (the second book in the series), I am amazed by the things that happened to Laura and her family.
The Mysterious Benedict Society
by Trenton Lee Stewart
This is one part mystery and one part puzzle/brain teaser. While it's not a series from a Christian author, it still promotes a ton of great qualities. It's helped my family learn that you should do good when it's in your power to do so. These are definitely books that you can’t stop reading once you start.
The Wingfeather Saga
by Andrew Peterson
This series started almost comical, but continues to get better and better. Instead of direct correlations to biblical themes (like The Chronicles of Narnia), there are general ideas of Good and Evil, helping others, and watching out for your family. Start with Book One - On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness.
Reading with your family is a great way to building lasting memories and learn valuable lessons along the way. Head to the library, grab a few good books, and enjoy a family evening by diving into a story together!
When Your Child Asks About Race, What Do You Say?
Our country has been hit hard in recent weeks. News cycles are packed with stories of violence, racial tension, heartbreak, and anger. Yes, there are stories of healing, restoration, and compassion. Yet even the glimmers of hope seem overshadowed by the stories of pain. As much as we may want to shelter our children from painful stories like these, they eventually reach our kids' ears. When your child asks about race, what do you say?
Our country has been hit hard in recent weeks. News cycles are packed with stories of violence, racial tension, heartbreak, and anger. Yes, there are stories of healing, restoration, and compassion. Yet even the glimmers of hope seem overshadowed by the stories of pain. As much as we may want to shelter our children from painful stories like these, they eventually reach our kids' ears. When your child asks about race, what do you say?
Step One: Look in the Mirror
Kids are just beginning to develop empathy and social-awareness. They constantly look to others for cues on how to treat people. Kids need guidance in relating to others, especially with those who are different from them. As a parent, you are the most important and influential example to your child. Most of the time, our kids are tiny mirrors of our own character. Your response to racism and injustice shapes how your kids will respond. Your words and actions - even the subtle ones - form the baseline for your child's interactions with others. Before we take any steps forward, we all need to take a look in the mirror and contemplate how we respond to others who are different than us.
Step Two: Define the Problem in Simple Terms
One of the reasons that racism is so hard to defeat is that it's hard to pin down. It's easy to identify the blatant, name-calling, sign-carrying racist. But it's a lot more difficult to call out the person with an unspoken racist attitude. When we talk to our kids about race, we should be as clear and as simple as possible. It all starts with God's Word. Here's a few Bible passages you can study with your family to learn about God's purpose for race, ethnicity, and redemption.
Genesis 1:26-31 - God creates the first man and woman. God makes it clear that every human is created in His image, and each one has equal worth and value.
John 4 - Jesus shows radical love to a marginalized woman from Samaria. Even though the context is different from our culture, the racial tensions between Jews and Samaritans parallel the issues in our day. The social rules of the time should have prevented Jesus from talking to a stranger of a different ethnicity and gender. Jesus defied all these social norms and extended a hand of compassion to another person in need.
- Romans 10:11-13 - The apostle Paul teaches us that when it comes to the family of God, "there is no distinction between Jew and Greek" (Romans 10:12). Jesus freely gives his grace to everyone who calls on his name, not just those who belong to a certain race or ethnicity.
- Galatians 3:23-29 - Paul again writes about the inclusivity among Christians. We are sons and daughters of God our Father because of Jesus Christ. God never excludes us or lowers our status based on our ethnicity, social standing, or gender. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). God's family is not color blind or gender neutral, but celebrates God's glory on display through each unique individual.
Step Three: Demonstrate Love Together as a Family
Hashtags, videos, and social media help reveal the problems, but they will never be the source of healing. People are very resistant to change, but a person is much more open to discussion. Changing the systemic problems starts by changing a single person. Racism, injustice, inequality, and prejudice melt away in light of the Gospel. We must share the hope and love of Christ with the individuals we have around us. No matter where you live, there is opportunity for your family to give healing to those who are hurting.
What Now?
Many people are asking the question, "What do we do now?" A clear answer or a concrete solution has not emerged just yet. However, we can do the hard work of mourning with those who mourn, feeling their pain, and developing empathy for those who are hurting. We can look to Jesus.
Jesus came as man, felt our pain, bore our sin, and carried our cross. He didn't try to explain away the pain or teach us why our pain wasn't justified. Jesus loved. He loved to the point of death. We can follow the example of Jesus by being present for those who are hurting.
When your kids ask about race, demonstrate love. Model empathy. Most of all, respond with grace.
I don't have many answers, but you can check out these resources for more understanding on the topic of race from a biblical perspective.
- Bloodlines - by John Piper. Download the free ebook about race, the cross, and the Christian. You can also watch a short film from John Piper based on the book.
- Matt Chandler led a panel discussion with 4 African-American church leaders from The Village Church (Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas) on empathy, healing, and how we all can move forward together.
- Russell Moore wrote an article on The Gospel Coalition's blog about the nuances between political, moral, and practical solutions to injustice.
- Lecrae, a hip-hop artist and outspoken Christian, wrote an insightful guest essay for about humility and empathy in understanding race relations.
- K. Edward Copeland, pastor of New Zion Baptist Church (Rockford, IL) and member of The Gospel Coalition, delivered a timely and helpful message to his congregation about the importance of empathy and prayer in the middle of this difficult summer.
Quality & Quantity - Making Time With Your Kids
I love coming home to smiles and big hugs from my son and daughter. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day. But it can be challenging for my kids when I’m gone before they wake up and don’t come home until dinner time. They notice the fewer hours that I spend with them when I'm busy. How do we find the time to spend with our kids? Here's a few tips I've found on making the time in a busy day.
Each year seems to have a season that is a little more busy than the rest. We have times when our career is more hectic, our responsibilities increase, and our time at home seems to be rare. For my family, this season is the summertime. Summers at Camp of Champions USA are full of games, field trips, swimming, discipleship, and hot dogs; but the long summer days at Camp can be tough on my family, especially my kids. Every day I come home to smiles and big hugs from my son and daughter. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day. But it can be challenging for my kids when I’m gone before they wake up and don’t come home until dinner time. They notice the fewer hours that I spend with them during the summer months.
I stumbled across an article on by Dan Sheaffer called “8 Creative Ways for Dads to Spend Time With Their Toddlers” that really resonated with me. In his article, Sheaffer describes an experience when his son began acting out when he would return home from work. He offers eight ways to intentionally connect with your kids when life is crazy.
One of his ideas, “go outside to play” is simple but profound. I run around outside with kids all day during the summer and sometimes the last thing I want to do is go to a park or play on the swings when I get home. I’m tired, and I suspect most parents are when they get home from work. But showing my kids that quality time playing with them is a priority to me makes a huge impact on them.
Sheaffer also recommends running errands with your kids. This is something I have found very beneficial. Anytime I have to run out to grab something, I take one of my kids with me. Even though running errands might not be an inherently exciting activity, we call them “daddy dates” and try to make them fun. For example, if I need to run to the grocery store, I’ll take my son with me and let him push a kid’s size shopping cart around and help me scan our items at the self checkout. My kids and I have both come to cherish these moments during the craziness of summers. More importantly, it allows us space to talk, share, pray, and play together. It helps me make sure that I'm striving to disciple my own kids as much as I disciple others at Camp.
What does quality time with your kids look like? How do you make time to spend with them during busy seasons of life? Take a moment and write out a goal for yourself on how you can spend better quality and quantity time with your kids.
Mid-Summer Update from COCUSA
We all know the cliché phrase, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Man, has that phrase been true so far this summer at Camp! Believe it or not, the Camp season is almost halfway over. Taking a second to reflect, there have been so many amazing moments that have occurred at Camp this summer. Here are a just a few of those moments that our staff has captured so far...
We all know the cliché phrase, “time flies when you’re having fun.” Man, has that phrase been true so far this summer at Camp! Believe it or not, the Camp season is almost halfway over. Taking a second to reflect, there have been so many amazing moments that have occurred at Camp this summer. Moments that were eagerly anticipated, moments that were surprising and sometimes perplexing, and moments that serve as daily reminders of how truly special COCUSA is. Here are a just a few of the many cool moments our staff has captured so far.
One camper positively responded to the Good News for the first time at the end of last summer. When her Site Directors gave her a Bible with highlights of each week’s memory verses, she exclaimed, “Wow! I can’t believe they’re all actually in here!” She begged her mother to let her return to Camp next year and has gotten extremely involved in everything COCUSA this summer. This camper pays special attention to the Bible stories and asks thoughtful questions about God each day. Even more so, she enthusiastically learns each week’s memory verses, not just so she can compete in memory verse challenges against her counselors, but because she actually wants to grow as a disciple of Jesus!
Another camper told his mother that he wanted a new pair of expensive shoes. His mom told him that he could get his new shoes, but they cost about the same amount as a week of Camp. If she bought those shoes, he'd have to miss a week at COCUSA. Without skipping a beat, the camper quickly responded, “Never mind, I’ll wear my old shoes.” Camp was that much more important to him!
At the end of one Camp day, a Counselor rushed over to her Site Directors to tell them how much she loved being able to share the Gospel message with her campers each Wednesday morning. During her first time sharing the Good News, three of her campers felt a personal calling to accept Jesus into their hearts. Her soul was overwhelmed with God’s amazing power, and she knew that Camp had provided the opportunity for His love to move through her. The Counselor said she couldn’t imagine anywhere else where she’d rather be this summer than at Camp of Champions USA.
So many more moments are in store for the second half of the summer, and we can’t wait! Here’s some ways you can continue to pray for the ministry of COCUSA.
Pray that God would continue to work in mighty ways at Camp. Pray that campers would respond to the Gospel, grow in their faith, and share it with others.
Pray that our staff would continue to provide safe and quality child care for each kid at Camp. Pray that we would stay focused, positive, and energized.
Pray that everyone at Camp would have a ton of fun as we enter the 2nd half of the camp season. Pray that our fun would lead to lasting friendships that point us all to Jesus.
If you also want to get involved with our ministry and partner with us financially, you can check out to donate to our scholarship funds and help even more kids come to Camp.
Have a Fun & Frugal 4th of July
4th of July is one of my favorite holidays, mainly because it is usually filled with delicious food, pretty fireworks, and great company. Regardless of your holiday plans, you can cultivate memories and traditions that bring your family closer together. Kids won't always remember the mundane, but they will remember the unexpected. Throw a little bit of creativity into your regular plans for the 4th, and your kids will remember it for years to come. Here's a few creative ideas to create a memorable, fun, and frugal 4th of July.
4th of July is one of my favorite holidays, mainly because it is usually filled with delicious food, pretty fireworks, and great company. If you've ever thrown a themed party, you know that hosting can be a stressful and expensive experience. Oh, but it doesn't have to be! Whether you plan on inviting the whole neighborhood over or just want an easy and special treat for your family, there are endless creative ideas out there! Here's just a few:
Kara has included 15 different treats and decorative ideas for 4th of July on her blog Saving by Design. From patriotic fruit and cheese trays to a refurbished painted pallet, you will find that the majority of her ideas are fun, frugal, and easy! For all you moms and dads with full calendars, you will have no trouble pulling together a quick snack or activity this holiday for your friends and family.
And if you need help with the small details, Kathy over at The Budget Decorator has some great, affordable DIY decorations that will be a breeze to pull together if you decide to have a spur of the moment party.
Regardless of your holiday plans, I hope these ideas will cultivate memories and traditions that bring you and your family closer together. Kids won't always remember the mundane, but they will remember the unexpected. Throw a little bit of creativity into your regular plans for the 4th, and your kids will remember it for years to come.
How We Share the Good News With Your Kids (and others!)
One of the things we do at COCUSA is partner with parents just like you to help your kids grown spiritually. We love to help parents teach their kids about God through Bible stories, prayer, and devotions. Every Wednesday morning at Camp, we share the Gospel message - the ultimate story of how Jesus rescued us from sin and death. If you've ever wanted to teach your kids about God, but didn't know where to start, here's the 3 short and simple methods we use at Camp for sharing the Good News.
One of the things we do at COCUSA is partner with parents just like you to help your kids grown spiritually. We love to help parents teach their kids about God through Bible stories, prayer, and devotions. Every Wednesday morning at Camp, we share the Gospel message - the ultimate story of how Jesus rescued us from sin and death. If you've ever wanted to teach your kids about God, but didn't know where to start, here's the 3 short and simple methods we use at Camp for sharing the Good News.
The Wordless Book
The Wordless Book from Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) uses 5 different colored pages to tell the Gospel story. As you probably guessed, the book doesn't have any words, which makes the Wordless Book a great tool for every age. The first page is Gold which reminds us of heaven and God's glory. Even though we were created to be with God, we are separated from him by our sin. The Dark page reminds us of our sin that keeps us from enjoying happy, eternal life with God. The Red page reminds us of Jesus' blood, which paid the price for our sin. The Clean page reminds us that we are washed clean of our sin through Jesus' death and resurrection. The Green page reminds us that since God has made us new, we are to grow to become more like him. Check out each of the links to see a full explanation of each page along with related Scripture references.
The Bridge to Life
The Bridge to Life is an evangelism tool developed by the Navigators. This Gospel sharing method is great for sharing the Good News concisely and visually - anyone can draw the picture on a napkin and tell the story in just a couple minutes. We all find ourselves on one side of a canyon. On the other side of the canyone is God, who has peace, forgiveness, and abundant life. We are separated from God because of our sin and rebellion with no hope to ever cross over to God on our own. Jesus death on the cross in our place and his resurrection from the dead serve as a bridge from us to God. Jesus stands in the gap to let us cross over from death to life. Check out the link for a full explanation and illustration of the Bridge.
The Gospel Journey (or Life in 6 Words)
The Gospel Journey (aka "Life in 6 Words") tells the whole story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This method uses the word "G.O.S.P.E.L." as an acronym to share the Good News. "G" - God created us to be with him. "O" - our sin separates us from God. "S" - sin cannot be removed by good deeds. "P" - paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. "E" - everone who trusts in Jesus alone has eternal life. "L" - Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever. has a great video from hip-hop artists Propoganda that creatively tells the story of the Gospel Journey.
You can use any of these methods to share the Good News with your kids. You can also adapt each of these Gospel presentations to any age, so use them at the office, with your neighbors, and with anyone you meet.
What You Need to Know About Instagram and Your Kids
Instagram is one of the most popular social media services out there. With its recent redesign, additional features, and updated terms & conditions, now is a great time to take (another?) close look at this incredibly popular photo sharing app. Here's what you need to know about Instagram and what your kids have access to.
It seems there is no end to the march of new apps, websites, and social media services. Instagram is one of the most popular social media services out there. With its recent redesign, additional features, and updated terms & conditions, now is a great time to take (another?) close look at this incredibly popular photo sharing app.
Technically, the minimum age to use Instagram (along with many other social media services) is 13. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for a child with a smart phone or tablet to set up an account and fudge on their birthdate. The reality is Instagram isn’t for kids. Here’s a few reasons why:
Chris McKenna recently blogged on Protect Young Minds. He shares 5 hidden dangers in Instagram. The scariest to me is the fact that the photos on instagram are not filtered in anyway whatsoever. It only takes a child a few minutes to understand how hashtag (#) searches work, and they can scan Instagram looking for pictures in any topic they want. The absence of parental controls and the easily erasable search history make Instagram dangerous ground for any kid. Chris warns they could easily find something they shouldn’t, and parents may never know.
This article and video from Craig Gross on iParent.TV delves into similar dangers. He calls out the specific risk that children could directly access pornography through Instagram. While Instagram technically does not allow porn on its service, the workaround that people have found is using misspelled hashtags to represent pornographic images. This is a danger that no parent should take lightly.
So what do you do with Instagram? First of all, if you have a child under 13, you should hold the line and not let them have an account. Second, after your child is old enough, have a specific conversation with them about the dangers of Instagram.
Don’t get me wrong, Instagram can be a lot of fun. Camp of Champions USA has our own Instagram account (@cocusa1995), and we love connecting with our summer staff and parents through pictures and videos. But let’s be wise as we parent our kids through this and all social media services.
Do you or your child use Instagram? What have you done to protect you and your family from some of the dangers?